With closures extended through May 4, we are able to provide relief care at the YMCA thanks to our members and community friends. Through partnerships, we are providing food to Lowcountry families on Mondays (2 pm) and Thursdays (5pm-6pm) at our Downtown Family Center located at 208 West Doty Avenue, Summerville, SC. Learn more.

Dear Y family,

We miss you and your families! Since we have been closed for purpose, our staff has been working hard to enhance our facility. We want to share with you what we have been doing.

At our Oakbrook pool, we have been deep cleaning our facility and equipment. Our staff painted the walls and restrooms, built a new deck and deep cleaned the pool deck. We are training for swim lessons so we are ready to teach children to swim. We are ready to put swim team in the water, to develop children to be safe around water and to enhance lives through our aquatic programming. (To learn more, watch Erika Stubbs’ video!).

Our sports fields have never looked so good! The sports and maintenance staff are giving some much needed TLC to our fields. We deep cleaned and painted our concession stand so we can open up as soon as games begin.

Finally, our childcare staff have been deep cleaning our facility, toys and equipment daily. On Facebook, we are providing daily games, songs, family challenges and education ideas for our families. Stay connected.

Our café is receiving a face-lift! We use this room to feed our under five year olds in the mornings and our after school kids in the afternoon. Partnering with the Lowcountry Food Bank, we provide snacks, lunches and dinners. Our partnership continues. We proudly have served local families with over 400 book bag buddies and 200 pantry boxes.

During this stressful time, we want to continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus by helping others. We will continue to provide meals to families as often as possible. Our staff have been able to see the joy on the faces of parents who picked up food for their homes, which has been a ray of sunshine for all of us.

We miss you! Our prayer is that you are taking this time to enjoy being together, to be active as a family and to really appreciate each blessing. We will continue to provide social media outlets for us to connect with each other.

When you return to us, we will be ready to play together, learn new things, jump in the pool and get back on the fields! Until then, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay with us.

With best wishes,
Jill Lewellyn, Executive Director